Dangers of a sole Philosophy
structural method and coloniality of philosophy in Brazil
French Mission, Structural Method, Philosophy in Brazil, Sole Philosophy, ColonialityAbstract
The article deals with French-uspian structural historiography as an illustrative case of the dangers of a sole philosophy becoming a pedagogical program for teaching and producing philosophy. To this end, it begins by exposing the construction of the French-uspian historiographical curriculum. Next, we discuss the unilaterality of the structural method, since it encompasses the conception that all philosophies have a sole logic, the systemic one, even if a philosopher refuses to present an architecture of reasons. Finally, the production of the “system of inhibitions” is explained, summarized in the banishment of controversy and programmed alienation, as a domestication of thought, masked under the veil of modernizing exegetical techniques. The objective of the article is to show that one of the Brazilian philosophical problems is the coloniality of philosophical production, marked less by the philosophy of the structural method and more by the inhibiting intellectual and pedagogical dispositions that it favored. This disposition can be produced by other pedagogies based on unilateral philosophies. Hence the importance of considering the French-uspian case to encourage a review of the regional formations of the teaching and study of philosophy in Brazil and, thus, combat the forces of domestication of philosophy among us.
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