Between the Empire and the multitude
the ontological perspective in Antonio Negri’s thought
Empire, Multitude, Common, Ontology, Antonio NegriAbstract
The present work aimed to present an overview of the ontology proposed in the work of Antonio Negri.
In order to do so, three of the main concepts worked by the Italian philosopher in the last twenty years were
investigated, as well as their intertones, being the "Empire", the "multitude" and the "common" - underlined as
conductors of the course of this text. After carrying out an analysis of the financial horizon of imperial biopower,
which appears as the productive entanglement of alternative control mechanisms in a consonance of global
command, the objective was to explain the biopolitical force that faces the "Empire": the "multitude", being
structured by the “common” mode of production and their respective powers and productions.
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