From Globalizing Conservationism to Critical Conservationism
Whose Ecology? And for Whom?
Globalizing conservationism. Critical conservationism. Political ecology. Global north and south. Traditional peoples.Abstract
This paper aims to reflect on conservationism oriented by the Global North and which, since the 20th century, has been promoted as the dominant way to reflect on environmental catastrophes. In this sense, in a first section, we will work with some theories about “globalizing conservationism” coming from the North, and, in a second moment, we will discuss how “critical conservationism” is thought from counter-hegemonic perspectives of the South. At the end, some conclusive remarks will be made on reflections and discussions brought up throughout the text and a possible path will be presented to overcome the deadlock between globalizing conservationism and critical conservationism. In terms of methodology, this paper adopts a theoretical approach with a descriptive and analytical character.
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