Science, technology, culture and society nexus
Main challenges
Science, Culture,, Technology, Society, Knowledge, InnovationAbstract
The predominant view on the role of science in contemporary society identifies it essentially as a key instrument in contributing to technological development and economic growth. The small space of this article aims to carry out a theoretical assessment of the concepts science, technology, culture and their relationship with society to explore some of the challenges that this dialectical relationship implies. This is because nowadays they are widely used in different contexts, both business and educational, and they need to be analyzed in a specific space-time. Methods such as synthetic analysis and hermeneutics were used, which facilitated the bibliographic work and selection of authors to be taken into account. The main results are framed in some of the challenges in the study of the topic which encompass the need for the Science-Technology-Society (STS) approach in the Cuban educational process where humanism is its main characteristic capable of enhancing opinions and decisions. Culture in itself is a synthesis of scientific and technological development and does not separate itself from the complex processes of innovation. The conclusions point out that from a theoretical point of view it is necessary to put these concepts in order for their practical implementation in specific social contexts
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