Decolonial emergence of the subject
ontological tension in the face of a oppressive reality
Subject, Democracy, Emancipation, StructureAbstract
This article focuses its analysis on the subject. It focuses on three theoretical-cosmovisive positions of contemporaneity that are structured from different perspectives as ideological negations, as a cerberus monster, of the condition of the subject. In such a way that they contribute to its dissolution in the political field, reducing its conflictive potential in the face of the capital system. The aim of this paper is to analyze the specific way in which Alejandro Serrano Caldera, Nicaraguan philosopher, constructs a philosophical critique that allows him to transcend three positions on the subject that become oppressive metaphysics due to their conservative character. The radical judgment of these European positions defines the theoretical basis for a decolonial theory of the subject. To assimilate and reconstruct the possibility and reality of the subject, as a human unfolding in its essential constitutive diversity in the face of the reifying structures of power, evidences the need to broaden the tools, instruments and theoretical perspectives with which a rationality imposed on the subject has been shaped in the Latin American reality.
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