Ecopolitics in the Maranhão 2050 Plan
a philosophical-social approach
Plano Maranhão 2050, O Social, EcopolíticaAbstract
One of the challenges facing current state administrations in Brazil – and the world as a whole – is to provide effective public policies to curb the harmful impact on the environment. In this sense, various fields of knowledge are dedicated to diagnosing, analyzing and proposing solutions to problems in the environmental sphere, which is first understood as a human and non-human sphere. Among these epistemes, philosophy still stands out as a possible path of thought and action that can contribute to a process of Aufklärung and taking a position in society to improve the environment in which we live. Thus, taking into account the anchoring of the Social sphere in social philosophy, this research aims to explain the Maranhão 2050 Plan as a proposal for ecopolitical action. To this end, the philosophical perspective of Hans Jonas will be approached as an ethical-moral legacy to the environment, as well as the postulates of social philosophy.
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