Alienation; World; Earth; Labor; Consumption.Abstract
This article presents Hannah Arendt's theoretical contribution on the meaning of alienation from the world and the Earth, as well as its relationship with consumer society. Arendt diagnoses a crisis that finds human beings increasingly disconnected from the Earth, the world and human plurality. Along with this, the Jewish-German thinker explains how the centrality of work activity also places consumption at the center of our vital process and our contemporary experiences. Based mainly on the work The Human Condition (2020), we show the risks that our modern way of life poses to human existence, the political world and the Earth. Finally, we indicate that more than ever the assumption of our responsibility for the world and the Earth is urgent, so that in the face of alienation, it is our belonging to the human and natural habitat that needs to be faced head on.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Déboda Dos Santos Góis Gondim, Lucas Barreto Dias (Autor)
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