“Everyone needs to wake up”
decolonial conversations on ontological fracture and ecopolitics
Ecopolíticas, Decolonialidade, Crise Ecológica, Fratura Colonial, OntologiaAbstract
The article explores Malcom Ferdinand's contribution to ecopolitical and decolonial studies, based on the notion of a “double fracture” that articulates the colonial and environmental dimensions of the ecological crisis. The problem analyzed is how the colonial fracture, which is configured as ontological, can be applied to the Brazilian ecopolitical context. The aim is to demonstrate how Ferdinand's decolonial ecology, by questioning the Anthropocene and problematizing the knowledge of the Global South, provides another perspective for understanding the intersections between colonialism and the ecological crisis. The research uses a theoretical approach, dialoguing with thinkers such as Ailton Krenak, Sueli Carneiro and Bispo dos Santos, in relation to Brazilian thought. The results indicate that decolonial ecology provides a critical framework for rethinking the relationship between humans and nature, emphasizing the need to include anti-colonial struggles in environmental discussions. The articulation between these fractures offers a worldview that integrates global ecological challenges with the struggles of contemporary social and political movements.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Bruna Leite, Arlindo Américo Tavares Martins Júnior , Gabriel Henrique Souza Maciel (Autor)
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