The influence of the Protestant Reformation on the construction of the modern international system of European states




Europe, Hanseatic League, Protestant Reformation


This study aims to analyze the relationship between the Protestant Reformation and the development of the International System of States, with an emphasis on the political changes and power dynamics that emerged during this period. It will be highlighted, in particular, how the Protestant Reformation achieved remarkable success in the northern region of Europe, and how this contributed to a significant expansion of trade and finance. Additionally, it will examine how a pragmatic and cosmopolitan organization of merchants, such as the Hanseatic League, as well as the bourgeoisie of these cities, played a facilitating role in the propagation and acceptance of Protestantism. In short, we intend to point out how the Hanseatic league is a necessary condition for the success of the Protestant Reformation, and how it impacted the configuration of the European political and economic system, and, by extension, the International System - such a relationship is fundamental for a better understanding of the evolution of relations between States in Modern History.

Author Biographies

  • Fabrício Pontin, Universidade LaSalle - Canoas

    Professor do Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade LaSalle

  • Al´éxia da Cruz Machado, Mestranda - Escola Superior de Teologia

    Graduada em Relações Internacionais (Universidade LaSalle - Canoas)

    Mestranda em Teologia (Escola Superior de Teologia)


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How to Cite

The influence of the Protestant Reformation on the construction of the modern international system of European states. (2024). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 15(2), 1-17.