A transition to terrestrial life
science, technology and political forms of autonomy in the era of climate collapse
Alana Moraes has a PhD in anthropology from the National Museum of UFRJ, and is a researcher and professor at CAAF, the center for archaeology and forensic anthropology at UNIFESP, where she coordinates the Human Rights and Social Struggles specialization course. She is a researcher at Pimentalab-UNIFESP and also at LAVITS, the Latin American Network for the Study of Surveillance, Technology and Society. She recently completed a post-doctorate at IBICT-UFRJ (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) on cosmopolitical conflicts and knowledge regimes in the Anthropocene.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alana Moraes , Augusto Jobim do Amaral, Evandro Pontel (Autor)
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