Typing the "reflection of essence" constitutive of Spinoza's metaphysics


  • Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa Autor




This paper presents an extension of the hegelian way of characterizing the progression of the reflection of essence, which Hegel makes use of in the "Science of Logic" to introduce his notion of essence, the product of a determining reflection. Such extended way of characterizing the progression of the reflections of essence allows for the typing of the reflection of essence that is constitutive of Spinoza's metaphysics. Also, it gives initial indications for typing the reflections of essence constitutive of the metaphysics of other philosophers. The paper ends with a discussion of some aspects of the hegelian analysis of Spinoza's philosophy, presented in a "Remark" included in the 3rd section of the "Doctrine of Essence".



How to Cite

Typing the "reflection of essence" constitutive of Spinoza’s metaphysics. (2018). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 9(1), 125-156. https://doi.org/10.36592/opiniaofilosofica.v9i1.849