Hegel and Schelling on the Objetive Being

Two Views about Philosophy?


  • Ivan Krás Borges Schardosim PUCRS Autor




Objective being. God. Philosophy. Hegel. Schelling.


In the present work, we discuss Hegel’s and Schelling’s conceptions about the objective being, by revisiting the critiques of the latter to the former, which open up an important question for us: do those two different views about the objective being (especially God) correspond to two different paths for philosophy? Through a confrontation of both thinkers’ ideas and a few commentators on the subject, we seek to comprehend, preliminarily, what is at stake on Schelling’s critiques of the Hegelian thought, and to what direction his positive philosophy points out, in what concerns reason and its purposes for mankind.



How to Cite

Hegel and Schelling on the Objetive Being: Two Views about Philosophy?. (2020). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 11(1E), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.36592/opiniaofilosofica.v11i1E.938