a feminist analysis of violence on women's insecurity and the pandemic effects


  • Fernanda Martins PUCRS Autor
  • Laura Alagia PUCRS Autor




War against women, gender violence, COVID-19, neoliberalism


This article proposes to analyze gender violence in Brazil based on the concept of war against women, whose objective is to understand the male violence that materializes in the bodies of women intrinsically linked to political, economic, labor and institutional violence. In the light of neoliberalism, which produces new subjectivities, precariousness and exploitation, and of the health crisis resulting from the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, it appears that women are the first to feel the impacts of the virus and cases of explicit increase in the indexes domestic violence exposes the interconnection of violence, which needs to become an analytical element about the current life condition and strategies to resist incisive precarious processes.

Author Biography

  • Laura Alagia, PUCRS

    Bacharela em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, integrante da Laboratoria: espacios de investigación feminista e produtora editorial da Editora Criação Humana.



How to Cite

WAR AGAINST WOMEN: a feminist analysis of violence on women’s insecurity and the pandemic effects. (2020). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 11(Ed. esp. 2). https://doi.org/10.36592/opiniaofilosofica.v11.984