Book Review "Desobedecer" by Frédéric Gros
Disobey, Frédéric Gros, Political Philosophy, Social Contract, Civil DisobedienceAbstract
This paper aims to critically review the book “Desobedecer”, by the French philosopher Frédéric Gros, from a politico-philosophical perspective, highlighting the relationship between obedience and disobedience in general, and consent and civil disobedience in particular. In order to provide an original contribution, emphasis is placed on Chapter VIII, titled "Do Consentimento à Desobediência Civil”, analyzing, through the antithetical concepts that define it, the emergence of civil disobedience as a critical response to injustices legitimized by the social contract, understood as political consent. The paper concludes by arguing that civil disobedience, which is essential to Gros's notion of democracy, should be seen as a fundamental practice for the reactivation of the social contract, redefined as "making society," a collective disobedience, a refusal to "be governed in this way."
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